Invitation Congress 2021
The Board of SMLS has published the first call to its I National Congress of the Mexican Society of Synchrotron Light and to the 1st International Congress of Synchrotron Light Techniques to be held from June 21th to 26th, 2021, in virtual mode to be held in Leon, state of Guanajuato, Mexico.
Today, modern research uses radiation synchrotron techniques. These play an important role in research being carried out in many universities and research centers around the world.
In our country, these techniques are used for front-line research and are used in innovative technologies. These techniques are used in a variety of areas of science, such as biology, chemistry, materials science, geology, cultural heritage, physics, medicine and life sciences.
In this event, there will consist of plenary lectures, conferences, technical presentations, oral and poster presentations. Fundamental and advanced courses will be given simultaneously on synchrotron light techniques. We hope you will join us. Check the program here.
Applications areas of synchrotron radiation
Areas where synchrotron light is used will include biology, chemistry, materials sciences, geology, cultural heritage, physics, medicine, and life sciences, among others.
Presentation of abstracts
All abstracts can be registered in the website www.smls.mx at the beginning of September 28, 2020 and up June 11th, 2021. Download the template here
General information for authors
- The works presented in the Congress will follow the guidelines published in the website smls.mx.
- Works that have used synchrotron light sources, accelerator design, as well as those where the use of synchrotron light is considered will be accepted.
- The contributions will be submitted on-line at the time of their registration.
- In order to consider your contribution for this congress, the annual membership fee of at least the presenting author, must be covered in advanced.
- When submitting your work for the congress, we request that you indicate whether you are interested in an oral presentation. All oral presentation applications will be evaluated by the scientific committee to determine its relevance and plausibility to deserve an oral presentation.
The works will be evaluated, for their presentation in the Congress, by the Scientific Committee of the SMLS. Accepted contributions will be published in a Supplement number of the Revista Mexicana de Física (RMF, https://rmf.smf.mx/ojs/rmf-s/index). The papers selected by the Scientific Committee will be considered for evaluation and eventual publication in the Advanced Light Sources section of the RMF.
Width: 90 cm
Length: 120 cm
Title: It is recommended to use the Arial font with a size of 80 to 100 points (according to the size of the title). It is recommended to use at least two logos: the institutional and the congress (available below), one on each side of the title.
Authors and adscriptions: It is recommended to use the Arial font with a size of 30 to 32 points (according to the number of participants), highlighting with an “*” who is presenting the poster session. The format for adscription institutions should be limited to containing the following information: Institution, dependency, street and number, neighborhood, state, municipality, postal code, country.
Sections: The body of the poster must contain at least the following sections:
- Introduction and objective
- Methodology
- Results and discussion
- Conclusions
- Bibliography
It is recommended to use Arial font between 32 to 36, distinguishing between titles and text using the smallest font number for the text, except for the bibliography where a font number up to 28 points can be used. The bibliography format should be limited to containing the following information: First author followed by et al. (In the case of two authors, “&” can be used), year, name of the journal or publisher, pagination, or the number of pages. It is recommended as a limit number of references up to 5.
A presentation will be made at the time assigned by the Organizing Committee during the congress. For the presentation, the poster file must be sent previously in the original size (90×120 cm) and letter size in PDF format, to the following address: socmexls2020@gmail.com with the subject: Poster, followed by the name of the person registered in the congress. The files should be labeled as follows: Poster_First surname_ first initial of the second surname and first name. Example: Poster_Lopez_LP.pdf. The presentation will consist of an oral presentation of up to 7 minutes including 3 additional minutes of questions and answers. The oral presentation can be replaced by a video (up to 7 minutes) that can be uploaded on the YouTube video platform and that will be broadcast at the time scheduled for the presenter. The link to the video must be attached to the email with the work in PDF. You can use the same poster to make the presentation or prepare a presentation with the software that the presenter considers appropriate. This last presentation file does not need to be sent to the Organizing Committee. The deadline for submission of the accepted poster will be June 20, 2021.
Congress registration fees
Professional | $1,874.92 |
Researchers | $2,082.80 |
Undergraduate students | $523.70 |
Postgraduate students | $1,043.40 |
Industry Professional | $2,602.50 |
Retired | $263.85 |
* Final due for payment: June 21, 2021
a) Bank data for payment
Name: Sociedad Mexicana de Luz Sincrotrón, A.C.
Bank: Santander
Account Number: 65-50820445-0
CLABE: 014225655082044501
b) Mercado Pago
IMPORTANT: With this method you can differ to 3, 6, 9 y 12 months without interest.
The SMLS will grant a limited number of scholarships, which will be awarded through reimbursement, in accordance with the following guidelines:
- The student should have sent the abstract of their work before the deadline of submissions and be part of the authors. It is compulsory to be an active SMLS member.
- After notification that the contribution has been accepted, it is necessary to send a letter of request for scholarship on letterhead stationary of their institution to the SMLS Board with the approval of the Director of the project.
At the end of the Congress, the following prizes will be awarded for the best contributions:
- First place will be awarded with the prize “Dr. Fernando Matías Moreno Yntriago”, this prize will be in cash and a diploma.
- Second place will receive a package of books by highly respected specialists’ in synchrotron light techniques and a diploma.
- Third place will receive a gift representative of the state of Guanajuato and a diploma.
The authors winners of the prize must be active members at the time of the award presentation (it means, they must have covered their annual fee).
Dr. Mayra Cuéllar Cruz (Chairman)
Dr. Abel Moreno Cárcamo
Dr. María Elena Montero Cabrera
Dr. Luis Edmundo Fuentes Cobas
Dr. Gustavo Cruz Jimenez
Dr. Matías Moreno Yntriago
Dr. René Loredo Portales
Contact information: